Sea Moss as a Vegan Gelatin Substitute

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or carrageen moss, is a type of red seaweed that has been used for centuries in traditional cuisines around the world. Known for its high mineral content and anti-inflammatory properties, sea moss has recently gained popularity as a superfood and a health supplement. But did you know that sea moss can also be used as a vegan gelatin substitute in recipes?


Gelatin is a common ingredient in many desserts and other foods, but it is derived from animal collagen, making it unsuitable for vegans and vegetarians. Sea moss gel, on the other hand, is a natural, plant-based alternative that can be used in a variety of recipes to provide a similar texture and thickening effect.

To make sea moss gel, you will need to start by cleaning and soaking the sea moss for several hours or overnight. Then, blend the soaked sea moss with water until smooth, strain out any remaining bits, and the gel is ready to use.

Here are some tips for using sea moss gel as a vegan gelatin substitute in recipes:

  • For recipes that call for gelatin powder, use 1 tablespoon of sea moss gel for every 1 teaspoon of gelatin powder.
  • For recipes that call for sheets of gelatin, use 1 tablespoon of sea moss gel for every 2 sheets of gelatin.
  • Sea moss gel can be used to make jellies, puddings, gummies, and other desserts that require a thickening agent.
  • You can also use sea moss gel to make savory dishes such as soups and sauces.



Here are some delicious sea moss-based recipe ideas to try:

  • Sea Moss Pudding: Combine soaked and blended sea moss gel with sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, and your choice of fruit or nuts for a creamy and delicious pudding.
  • Sea Moss Jelly: Combine soaked and blended sea moss gel with sweetened fruit juice and agar-agar powder for a healthy and refreshing jelly.
  • Sea Moss Gummies: Combine soaked and blended sea moss gel with fruit juice and sweetener, pour into molds and refrigerate for a tasty and nutritious snack.
  • Sea Moss Soup: Combine soaked and blended sea moss gel with sautéed vegetables, broth and seasonings for a nourishing and filling soup.


In conclusion, sea moss is not only a superfood but also a versatile ingredient that can be used in various recipes. As a vegan gelatin substitute, it can be used to make delicious and healthy desserts, as well as savory dishes. Give it a try and enjoy the benefits of sea moss in your meals. For a great source of sea moss gel, check out our collection here.

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Sea Moss Gel

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